Family and Child Education (FACE)


What is FACE?

Family And Child Education (FACE) was initiated in 1990, and is designed as a family literacy program; and integrated model for an early childhood/parent involvement program for Native American families in the BIE- funded schools.


The Little Singer FACE Program is now accepting enrollment applications for the 2023-2024 school year.  Please send completed applications to


to help parents be the best, first teachers of their children

Center-Base Program

Early Childhood

The new Early Childhood classroom is equipped to serve15 children ages 2.9 to 5 years old. The teacher and Co-teacher will implement the FACE Early Childhood Standards to help get preschoolers ready for kindergarten.  Teachers receive staff development trainings conducted by National Center for Family Literacy (NCFL).


Parent and Child Time (PACT)


PACT occurs, either in the Early Childhood classroom or in K-3, if the child is in K-3. A special opportunity for parents/caretaker plays and work together on child directed activities in a supportive environment. The goal is to have the parent be their child's first and best teacher. 

Adult Education

Implemented by a state certified teacher who receives professional development training from NCFL, to implement the center-based components, which includes meeting the adult education needs of the parents or caretaker. The adult education teacher assesses the unmet academic needs, strength, goals and interests of the adult learner.

Parent Time

Topics such as Parenting, family challenges, life skills, and healthy family practices are discussed. The Adult Ed. Teacher, Early Childhood teacher or other special guests will facilitate during Parent Time.

FACE Home-Base Program

Home-Base Visiting Program

The home-base home visiting program will take place virtually or home visits, practicing the CDC guidelines, by wearing face masks, and social distancing. Parent Educators are trained in the Parents as Teacher (PAT) Foundational Curriculum that supports the development of the four developmental domains of a growing child. Parent Educators provide support to families with children from prenatal to age 5. Monthly Family Circle meetings, periodic screenings utilizing Ages and Stages Questionnaire, and OAE hearing screening.

Imagination Library

Imagination Library

A national reading program for all enrolled children from birth to age 5, receive an age-appropriate book every month, while they are in the FACE program.

Goals of the FACE Program

Support parents in their role as their child's first and most influential teacher
Increase family literacy
Strengthen family-school­ community connections
Promote the early identification and services to children with special needs
Increase parent participation in their child's learning
Support and celebrate the unique Dine' language and culture of our community
Promote lifelong learning
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